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Delicious Tres Leches Cake recipe



Prep time


Baking Time




  • For Cake
  • Eggs: 4

  • Cheeni (Castor Sugar): 400 gm

  • Vanilla Essence: 2 Tsp

  • Namak (Salt): 1/2 Tsp

  • Jaifil (Nutmeg): 1/4 Tsp

  • Maida (Flour): 300 gm

  • Baking Powder: 2 Tsp

  • Doodh (Milk): 1 Cup

  • Makhan (Unsalted Butter): 115 gm

  • For Milk Mixture
  • Evaporated Milk: 300 ml

  • Condensed Milk: 300 ml

  • Whipping Cream: 3/4 Cup

  • Vanilla Essence: 1 Tsp

  • For Topping
  • Whipping Cream (Sweetened) : 2 1/2 Cups

  • Milk Powder: 2 Tbsp

  • Vanilla Essence: 2 Tsp

Method and Instructions

  • Make the Cake by first adding the Eggs & Sugar in a Bowl and Beating them till Fluffy. Add the Salt & Nutmeg & beat well. In a separate bowl, add the Baking Powder in the Flour. Add this Flour mixture in the Batter in 2 Parts while mixing with only a spatula (Don't use a beater!). In the Milk, add the Butter & mixing both ingredients separately. Now pour this mixture in the batter at once & mix again with a spatula.

  • Now pour the Cake Batter in a 10 by 6 Casserole Dish and bake on 300 ˚C for 20-25 minutes.

  • Make the Milk Mixture by just combining all the given ingredients & mixing them well. As simple as told!

  • Now for the Topping, take the Whipping Cream in a bowl & beat it till stiff peaks form. Add the rest of the ingredients & beat well.

  • Now make some deep holes in the cooled cake using a wooden skewer. Soak the cake with the Milk mixture (It will obviously take some time for the cake to soak so much Milk!). Now that the cake has soaked the milk completely, Top it with the Whipped Cream & decorate it as you wish. Either pipe the topping or apply it on the cake randomly with a spatula. Lastly, sprinkle 1 Cup of roasted coconut all over the cream! (totally optional, you can also drizzle chocolate or caramel or even sprinkle crushed dry fruits in the end!).

    Finally! Serve the cake hot or after refrigerating and Enjoy the milky Goodness of the Tres Leches Cake!


  • Preheat Oven at maximum temperature for 5-10 minutes
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