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Balushahi Sweet Recipe



Prep time


Cooking time


Resting Time




  • Dough Ingredients
  • Flour: 250 gm

  • Baking Powder: 1/2 Tsp

  • Baking Soda: 1/2 Tsp

  • Clarified Butter: 3 Tbsp

  • Yogurt: 3 Tbsp

  • Salt: 1 Pinch

  • Sugar Syrup Ingredients
  • Sugar: 2 Cups

  • Water: 1 Cup

  • Green Cardamom: 6

Cooking Method and Instructions

  • Start making the dough by first adding the Baking Powder, Soda & Salt in the Flour and mixing them all well (A Whisk is suitable for mixing dry ingredients). Add the Clarified Butter and now use hands to mix & make a crumbly mixture.
    After mixing well, add the Yogurt. Now we are not going to knead the mixture, therefore we mix the mixture with hands and squeeze (It is best to watch the video and see the demonstration). The dough is going to be flaky by mixing it this way, which is what we want for the balushahi to be crispy and to have layers.
    Now combine the dough to make small flat balls and make an impression in the centre with a finger.
    Let balushahis rest for 15 minutes while we make the sugar syrup.

  • Add a cup of water and 2 cups of sugar in a pot and add some green cardamoms as well for aroma. If you wish not to have a white sugar layer on your balushahi, then you can also add lemon juice in the syrup. Dissolve the Sugar in the water and cook the syrup till it thickens. (Check the consistency shown in the video). The Sugar Syrup is ready, so lets go and fry the balushahi!

  • For frying balushahi, make sure to keep the flame low. Check by putting a wooden skewer in the Ghee whether there are any bubbles that form on the sides, if they do, then the Ghee is at the right temperature.
    Start immersing the balushahi in the Ghee, which are all going to sink at the bottom first. After some time, they will come up and start floating in the ghee, so start turning them in order to make them uniformly brown. Fry them on low flame till they are Crispy & Golden Brown.
    After they are done, take them out and immerse them in the warm sugar syrup right away. Make sure that they are coated properly in the syrup, and keep them for at least 1 minute. Do not exceed the time limit or else they can become soggy.
    So take them out and garnish with Sliced Pistachios.

    And in just 3 steps, your Crispy & Juicy Balushahi are ready to serve!

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